Sunday, December 28, 2008

Time Out....By Mele

I don't have to put Audree in time out any more....WHY???? well because she puts herself in Time Out now. She is going through terrible two's right now and so whenever she gets mad at us (which is a lot lately, is that normal?) she will just run to her room and slam her door. And she won't come out until SHE'S ready to talk to us again. Or all I have to say (when she has an episode) is do you want to spaz in your room? and she'll say yes then go to her room.
It's really hard not to laugh at her new Time Out idea!!!!!

Stinky!!!! By Mele

Last Sunday I was taking Audree to nursery. There happened to be this guy standing in the hall way and he must have let one rip because as we passed it smelled really bad. Well I obviously wasn't the only one who noticed because when we passed Audree grabbed her nose and started to yell "stinky, stinky, stinky!!!" and she got louder and louder until I agreed with her that "yes" it was stinky.
I was so embarrassed for that guy, and yet I thought Audree was pretty funny for pointing it out.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christian's Fan Club - by Mindy

Christian: (spoken very definitively...) "Mom, you're my number one fan!"

Saturday, December 20, 2008

He Laughs! By Katy

Finally! We caught him laughing on camera!

Is it Hot or Cold? By Mele

Mine isn't as good as Mindy's but I thought I'd post the most recent thing Audree has done.
The other day Audree was looking outside the window while it was snowing. Then she said COLD!!! and acted out a shiver. We thought she was so smart and knew exactly what she was talking about, but then we asked, "yeah that's snow....Audree is snow hot or cold?" We thought she was going to say cold again, but she took us by surprise by saying, "Oh HOT!!! HOT HOT HOT!!!" Then we asked if she was sure so she said, "UMMMMM Cold" and left it at that. Now whenever we ask her if the snow is hot or cold she'll just shrug her shoulders and walk away, like we're asking her a trick question so she doesn't want to answer.
Silly Girl!!!!

What kind of parents are you??? by Mindy

We have been reading "The Great Brain" books by J. D. Fitzgerald. In one of the books, a young boy's parents die and he becomes a foster brother to the main character. Joe had to explain to the boys what a "foster" brother and "foster" parents were. A few days later, while at the dinner table, Benson asked Joe, "How do we REALLY know if you and mom are our real parents?" After which Matthew blurted out, "Ya - you guys could be "IMPOSTOR" parents!!!"

Friday, December 19, 2008

The Funniest Things...

Here's a blog containing the funny things that our kids say and do.