Friday, June 19, 2009

Adelie's Newest Sayings-

#1- We were going to visit the San Diego temple while we were on vacation. Cambri asked if they could go in it and if we were going to stay there (like a Hotel) Then Adie said, "Is there a swimming pool???"

#2- Adelie said, "Dad, your breath is getting in my needs to take a bath!"

HA HA!!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Cambri's Latest

This one's kind of sad/cute....

Cambri got bumped or something that got an apology made to her. She said,"That's okay, I don't matter."

Friday, May 22, 2009

Chris: The Walking Quote Machine - by Mindy

I haven't posted for a while, so I have TONS of Chris quotes for you. Here you go!!!

The Meaning of "Grounded"
Chris: "Mom, am I grounded from video games?
Mom: "Yep."
Chris: "Does that mean I'm gonna go at jail?"

Being Very Specific
Mom: "Chris, what did you do at preschool today?"
Chris: "I really, really, really know we did SOMETHING!"

Happy Birthday To You
Chris: "Someday on your birthday, you will be 100!"
Mom: "Yep."
Chris: "And then on your next birthday you'll be 200!"
Mom: "Chris, you are soooo funny!"
Chris: "And RIGHT!"

Proof That TV Commercials Really Do Work
Chris: "Mom, I really REALLY want a Weed Auger!"

What Do Elephants Drink?
We went to the zoo with Aunt Serena, and we were watching the Elephant Presentation. One of the zoo-keepers was talking about the elephants when a little kid asked, "Do elephants eat peanuts?" The zoo-keeper said, "yes, but mostly they eat hay because it is better for them." Then Chris piped up (in his really loud voice), "Yeah, and when they're really thirsty, they drink COFFEE!"

Chris' Ultimate Wish
Chris: "Mom, sometimes we DON'T have to use hand sanitizer, because sometimes wishes really DO come true!"

Thursday, April 2, 2009


So ever since Audree's birthday she has been obsessed with birthday cakes, presents and blowing out candles. She will walk around blowing at everything and say "birthday!!!" and then "mama....birthday cake?"
It's pretty cute! I think....

Sorry Mama!

Around 7:30 AM a few days ago I wake up to Audree crawling in my bed and saying this...

Audree: "mama, sorry....sorry mama, sorry!" (said in a really sweet/innocent voice)

Me: "what's wrong Audree, what did you do?" (worried that she broke something or made a huge mess"

Audree: "Poo poo in treat!" "sorry mama"

I couldn't help but laugh and tell her that she's fine and doesn't need to be sorry about that.

(we've been trying to potty train and every time she goes in the toilet she gets a treat)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Life and Death - by Mindy

Benson: "After I eat this, I'm going to be DEATHLY full."
Chris: "Mom, after I die, will I still have life?"

Thursday, March 12, 2009

He Keeps Going And Going And Going..... - By Mindy

Chris-ism #1:

"Mom, I bet I can look like a circus!"

Chris-ism #2:

Dad: "Boys, can I share with you part of my Patriarchal Blessing?"
Chris: "NO!! --- 'cuz I'm about to take a nap!"

Chris-ism #3:

Matt: "Chris, you're a tattle-tale!"
Chris: "NO I'M NOT!!! I don't even HAVE a tail!!!"

Monday, March 2, 2009

Touche' - by Katy

Last night, Cambri ate 10 pancakes and sausage!!! A HUGE step up from her dinner consumption of late! After dinner, we asked her to do something that she didn't want to do.

After the conversation got a little heated, she said, "How can you get mad at a girl who ate lots of food?"


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Adie's contribution

When Kimi stayed with us this past weekend, we were having dinner and I asked Kimi what we should do with her food.

Adie said, "Boil 'em, Mash 'em, Stick 'em in a Stew..."

Monday, February 9, 2009

Well, They Both Start With "B"..... - By Mindy

My friend was watching Chris at her house, and told me about this little "funny" -

Chris: "My legs are itching!"

Friend: "Oh, were you playing in the bushes?"

Chris: "No, but there's a Bishop at my church!"

Inevitable - by Katy

Yesterday, coming home from Church, Cambri asks, "Mom, how do you get a baby in you tummy?"


I thought we had at LEAST 2 more years! Well, we weren't quite sure how to respond and luckily the conversation went like this:

Mommy: Mommies and Daddies work together to create babies.

Cambri: Does Jesus make them???

Daddy: Heavenly Father made our spirits

Mommy: and Mommies and Daddies work together to help create the bodies.

Cambri: So you can eat A LOT of food?

Friday, February 6, 2009

So Tired -by Katy

I was talking to my friend through our car windows and she mentioned it was her daughter's birthday. I yelled through the window, "Happy Birthday, Sydney!"

Cambri then yelled, "Happy birthday Sydney!"

Adelie yelled, "I'm SO tired!!!"

Monday, January 26, 2009

A Few More From Chris - by Mindy

"Mom, after today, is it tomorrow?"

"Mom, I'm a invincible door!"

Friday, January 23, 2009

"Turn the Radio Up" - by Mindy

While we were driving in the car, we were listening to the radio and a new song came on:

Chris: "Mom! I've been WAITING for that song!....(pause) what song is it???"

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

WalMart- by Katy

We were driving in the car in Centerville, and I asked Ryan if he knew where the road we were on went (seeing as it went through some sort of canyon).

Cambri said, "Wal Mart...all roads lead to Wal Mart!"

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Dog Pile- by Katy

Grandma Becky and Grandpa Bob were watching Cambri and Adelie while we were gone.

They started a new tradition every night after reading scriptures. When they'd finish, everyone would dog pile on Gpa Bob.

Later that week, Gpa Bob was laying down on the bed and Adelie came in with all 15 of her Barbies. She threw them on Gpa Bob, who was probably sleeping, and said, "Dog pile!!!"

He was later found sleeping with 15 Barbies in his arms.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Why is Your Car Sick?

Dad: Wayne, why is your car sick?
Wayne: Because it's full of gas!

Pink Pants

Mom: Let's go to Big B's.
Kayla: No, not Big B's....."little b's".
Mom: Kayla, you're such a smarty pants!
Kayla: NO!!! I'm not "smarty pants!" I'm pink pants!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Paradox #2 - by Mindy

Christian: "I NOT WIDDO! (little)"

Misunderstanding - by Mindy

Chris: "S--C--R--E--A--M!!!!!!!"

Mom and Dad: "Woah, Chris! Chill out!"

Benson: "Yeah Chris - take a chill pill."

Chris: "Mom, Benson said, 'Chick-a-poo-poo!'"

Paradox #1 - by Mindy

While we were in Kentucky, Chris and his cousin, Henry would play with the Tinker Toys a lot. Once in a while there would be a "sharing" problem. One time, Henry didn't want to share a certain piece with Chris, and it made him cry. Henry started calling him a "crybaby." Chris hated that, and responded to Henry with this request: "Don't say me a 'crybaby,' 'kay, cuz that will make me cry!"

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Questions and Answers-by Katy

Cambri: Adie, please can we do it?


Cambri: Why not?

Adelie: Because we're messy girls.

A Prayer for Uncle Rob-by Katy

Adelie's prayer lastnight. Uncle Rob was staying with us...and Kimi.


Thankful for Rob can come and see us,
Please help Rob to sleep well, and we can fly our airplanes tomorrow.
Please help Rob to stay for ever.
