Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Adie's contribution

When Kimi stayed with us this past weekend, we were having dinner and I asked Kimi what we should do with her food.

Adie said, "Boil 'em, Mash 'em, Stick 'em in a Stew..."

Monday, February 9, 2009

Well, They Both Start With "B"..... - By Mindy

My friend was watching Chris at her house, and told me about this little "funny" -

Chris: "My legs are itching!"

Friend: "Oh, were you playing in the bushes?"

Chris: "No, but there's a Bishop at my church!"

Inevitable - by Katy

Yesterday, coming home from Church, Cambri asks, "Mom, how do you get a baby in you tummy?"


I thought we had at LEAST 2 more years! Well, we weren't quite sure how to respond and luckily the conversation went like this:

Mommy: Mommies and Daddies work together to create babies.

Cambri: Does Jesus make them???

Daddy: Heavenly Father made our spirits

Mommy: and Mommies and Daddies work together to help create the bodies.

Cambri: So you can eat A LOT of food?

Friday, February 6, 2009

So Tired -by Katy

I was talking to my friend through our car windows and she mentioned it was her daughter's birthday. I yelled through the window, "Happy Birthday, Sydney!"

Cambri then yelled, "Happy birthday Sydney!"

Adelie yelled, "I'm SO tired!!!"