Saturday, December 20, 2008

Is it Hot or Cold? By Mele

Mine isn't as good as Mindy's but I thought I'd post the most recent thing Audree has done.
The other day Audree was looking outside the window while it was snowing. Then she said COLD!!! and acted out a shiver. We thought she was so smart and knew exactly what she was talking about, but then we asked, "yeah that's snow....Audree is snow hot or cold?" We thought she was going to say cold again, but she took us by surprise by saying, "Oh HOT!!! HOT HOT HOT!!!" Then we asked if she was sure so she said, "UMMMMM Cold" and left it at that. Now whenever we ask her if the snow is hot or cold she'll just shrug her shoulders and walk away, like we're asking her a trick question so she doesn't want to answer.
Silly Girl!!!!